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Which Disciple are You?
Are you the disciple that Jesus loved, or are you the disciple that boasts of your love for Him? Are you like John, which in Hebrew is Yohanan, which means graced by God? Or are you like Peter, whose name means stone? He boasted of his affection for Jesus (Matt. 26:33). From the natural, it would seem Peter was the more outstanding disciple; he had self-confidence. But John was God-confidence; he called himself the disciple whom Jesus loves (John 21:7 KJV).
Peter Boast but fails!
When Jesus tells His disciples, all of you will be made to stumble because of Me tonight. Then He quotes from the Prophet Zechariah. Strike the Shepherd, and the sheep will scatter (Zech. 13:13 KJV). Peter responded to Jesus’ warning with confidence in himself. He replied, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will (Matt. 26:33-34 NLT).” That sounds good, but was it true? No, before the night was over, Peter, the stone had stumbled.
The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
When Jesus predicted His betrayal, the disciple whom Jesus loved, which was positioned close to Him, was motioned by Peter to ask Him which one, leaned back, and asked Jesus, “Lord, who is it?” And Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped in the dish (John 13:18-26 NLT).” John’s position of nearness to Jesus wasn’t of physical proximity but spiritual consciousness!
Which is Greater?
Is it Peter the self-confident man or John the one conscious of Jesus’ love for him? Since self-awareness is ever-changing, I must say it is the disciple whom Jesus loves. With his assurance of faith that he is loved, he asks what others won’t and gets answers. John is where I desire to be in the consciousness of Jesus’ love for me!
Love Follows
When Jesus said to Peter, feed my sheep and by what death he would glorify God, Jesus said to him, “Follow Me.” Jesus didn’t have to tell John to follow him, but for Peter, Jesus had to ask him to follow. It also seems as if when Jesus was talking to Peter, he was a little distracted. Peter turned around, saw John, and asked Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?”
Jesus’ response is direct and to the point; he said, If I will that he remains till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me (John 21;22 KJV).” Jesus didn’t have to tell the disciple that was conscious that Jesus loved Him to follow.
Be the disciple whom Jesus loves, and follow Him!