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what words are ruling your life
Who does your inside voice glorify God or the devil? If it glorifies God, it speaks about your position as the beloved and all you are and have in Christ Jesus. If it’s praising the devil, it reminds you of all the things you didn’t do or did wrong.
Are Your Words Framing a Life of Victory?
Whatever we give thought to will govern our life and body. Jesus said it is by your words you are justified or condemned (Matt 12:36). We blame ourselves, not others! It’s by words we receive salvation (Roman 10:9-10). Our words put Jesus as Lord of our lives! Words give birth to imagination. We use words to express love; we paint pictures with words. God created man and the world by words.
God Said So Shall My Words Be!
The words of God spoken through man declare the end from the beginning. His counsel will stand, and He will do His good pleasure (Isaiah 46:9-10). Father God tells his dear children to imitate him (Ephesians 5:1). To imitate Him is to speak about what you want to see. The imagination is for the birth of ideas. He saw before He spoke. We convince ourselves we must see before we speak. Man was created in the image of God. We are in Christ!
Meditate with me for a moment on the word image. Image is a likeness or resemblance. We are made to create, like the one that created us!
God Said You Are in Christ
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, everything becomes new (2 Corinthians 5:17): a new species that never existed before. Embrace that truth! Yes, Jesus makes all things new (Rev. 21:5). Remind yourself daily that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (Cor. 5:21). Jesus paid the debt of sin on the cross (John 19:30). You are God’s beloved, favored by the Most High God. There is no higher position on earth!
Created For Greater Glory
Think about it! God highly favors you, and God has no lack. Consequently, you have no shortages. The lack you see is what you’ve spoken it to be. Some well-meaning people have conditioned us to lack our parents, friends, and relatives. The excuse is they don’t want you to get your hopes up. Father God created you for His glory, and He doesn’t have an existence mentality. He has an overflowing-in-abundance, beyond-our-imagination mentality. Let God fill your heart to abundance with His word and watch how your speech glorifies Him.