Christianity is about relationship

Weed Your Life

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By Constant Conversation with the Father!

Working in my yard helped me to realize my life is a lot like yard work; how so? The weeds! The spring and middle of summer bring forth different types of weeds, indicators of seasons, like the stages of life. The weeds of raising children are different to the ones of empty nesting. In every case, Father God has a way to bag the weeds along with its seeds for no further germination.

Herbs and fruit yield seeds according to their kind.

Genesis 1:1

When the weeds are pulled, they must be carried away; otherwise, they will produce seeds after themselves. Similarly, as with your life, if you don’t hear grace-based sermons, where the highlight is on the finished works of Jesus Christ at the cross preached repeatedly, the seed of faith can’t be planted. We are made to grow by hearing and hearing Jesus died for all our sins for us to live a life free of condemnation (Romans 8:1). Constant conversation with Father God is weeding your life and planting seeds of faith. 

Let’s Explore a Few Scriptures Where Weeds Destroyed!

I’m remembering two incidents in scripture that had these people stopped and sought the Father, how things may have ended differently: Eve in the Garden of Eden and Ahithophel, one of David’s wise men.

Eve fellowshipped with a snake, and Ahithophel made bitterness a companion!

Eve listened as the snake planted a seed of deception, but the insane part about this situation is the Devil deceived her with what she already was! See, the serpent said to her, “You will be like God (Genesis 3:5).” Well, now! Didn’t God say, “Let Us make man according to Our likeness, in Genesis 1:27? So, what happened? Was it the power of conversation? Scripture doesn’t speak of duration or frequency. It was equal to selling you a house you already own! God created man in His image and likeness, empowering man to prosper. We were gods of the earth. The picture is God created us to be gods over all He made. 

But King David prayed,

“O Lord, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness.”

2 Samuel 15:31

Bitterness Gives Birth to Betrayal! 

Ahithophel (2 Samuel 23:34) was the father of one of the king’s mighty men Eliam (2 Samuel 11:3), who was the father of Bathsheba. Ahithophel was a counsellor to the king with bitterness seething in his heart against his boss King David. Ahithophel observed King David’s adultery with his granddaughter and the murder of her husband, Uriah. So, at the first opportunity to seize revenge, he joined sides with Absalom, the son of King David, giving him advice against his father to take over the kingdom, see 2 Samuel 15-17. Scripture describes Ahithophel as one that inquired at the oracle of God (2 Samuel 16:23). Leading one to believe Ahithophel had a relationship with God, but his actions spoke otherwise. In the end, both Absalom and Ahithophel met their demise.  

Manage the Weed Seeds by Constant Fellowship with Father God!

The seeds of curiosity born from idleness or ignorance take it to God!

The seeds of bitterness that give birth to betrayal take it to God!

The seeds of guilt that give birth to condemnation take it to God but remember; there is NOW no condemnation to them in Jesus Christ!

Whatever seeds don’t sow peace in your heart and soul, take it to the Father!


I pray for God’s peace and prosperity over your life and family.

🙏🏽In Jesus’ name🙏🏽

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