Christianity is about relationship

Want to Change Your Life?

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Broken Words Create Broken Situations and Circumstances!

While harnessing my dog in the car, I heard, “When you use things in a way they are not designed for, you break them!” I thought, “How so, Lord?” Is it the way a dog’s legs are designed to move? Or is it something else? By your words! Immediately, I was led to Genesis 1-3, starting in the beginning God, He existed before the earth. The darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering on the face of the waters, then God said

The Law of First Mention

God created by words, and consequently, so does man! The law of first mention is a guideline frequently used when studying scripture, and the first place God used words was to create. The law of first mention says that to understand a particular word or doctrine, check the first place it is used in scripture (see God said, is how He framed the universe! 

God our Example!

God spoke light to the darkness! He said, “Let there be light.” In the presence of the apparent God spoke His desires. Within the same chapter where God spoke light, He also said man into existence (Genesis 1:26), not just a man, but a man according to His likeness, giving him dominion.

God Demonstrates Forgiveness!

A few things grabbed my attention: God spoke the change He wanted to see and created man to do the same! So, how did we come to express the opposite of creation? By deception and disobedience to God. The woman said the serpent deceived me, and I did eat (Genesis 3:13), and consequences followed see Genesis 3:14-19. God forgave man for disobedience in the Garden of Eden and sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, that when we believe in Him, we shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

God so loved the world that He gave!

Love gives and forgives!

By Words, We Set the Direction of Our Heart!

How do we receive Jesus as the Lord of our lives? By words, these words fix a broken heart: when you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9).

Take Jesus’ Words in Your Heart and Speak them Out of Your Mouth!

Jesus wants to come into your heart and change your life. Remember, He gave His life for yours! God doesn’t want you to change your words apart from His Son being in your heart; it is by the name of Jesus that the believer is delivered from condemnation (John 3:18). 


To change your life, you must change your words and enter a relationship with Him that made heaven and earth,

through the One Jesus Christ.

Invite Jesus into your heart today.

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