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The Wealthy Place
What if God told you He was talking you to the wealthy place? What would you need to do to prepare yourself for that place? First, you must have faith in God. Would you pray? Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to see the four faces of Jesus. The Book of Proverbs has much to say about wealth and riches. Or would you be the person that says, ” I need to go to school and get a degree in such and such?” Relying on your intellect? The reality is those things may help, but the world is full of college graduates working to pay student loans for a degree they aren’t using. David Green, whose net worth is nearly $6 billion, never went to college. This founder of Hobby-Lobby, a chain of arts and crafts stores. Now, who would’ve thought arts and crafts could or would net that type of worth? Green is a known philanthropist. He takes half of his company’s total earnings and donates to a variety of evangelical ministries. As of 2012, he is said to have donated roughly $500 million. Now I’d like to give away that type of money to harvest souls for the kingdom of God!
Allow the passion God has placed in you to led you!
The blessings of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it, Prov. 10:22. When God’s hand is in making you rich, it’s pain-free! Another man Larry Ellison, former CEO of Oracle, dropped out of two colleges. His net worth? $54 billion! Today, this multi-billionaire has stepped down from his position as CEO but remains chairman and chief technology officer at Oracle. His goal was never to become wealthy but rather to create a work environment where he could enjoy himself. Now that’s God’s attitude that we appreciate our occupation. Sure, you may be thinking? God told Adam by the sweat of his face; you shall eat bread, Gen. 3:19. Adam’s disobedience, but Jesus Christ’s obedience paid the sin debt (Rom. 5:19). Remember, work isn’t the enemy! Adam had a job before the fall; he kept the garden (Gen. 2:15). But sin disturbed the return process! Before sin, Adam planted, and he experienced an immediate return. But Jesus! By the obedience of one, shall many be made righteous (Rom. 5:19).
Does wealth appear to be a place of contentment?
David Green gives away millions to evangelical ministries-God’s work! Larry Ellison walked into his purpose by the idea of creating a work environment where he could enjoy himself. We are all made for His purpose, with giftings and callings (Eph. 1:11 and Rom. 11:29)! Is God’s wealth for you in how He designed you? Yes, I believe so! The Bible says, there is that maketh himself rich, yet (hath) nothing, Prov. 13:7. That sounds like a poor rich guy! How can that be possible? Is he the man that displays wealth but yet is poverty-stricken in his heart? Jesus said, “Where your heart is, there will be your treasures also,” Matt. 6:21. The second part of the above verse states that one that maketh himself poor (hath)great riches (Prov. 13:7). The rich man sounds like a generous man in thought, deed, and purpose.
Does Proverbs 13:7 imply prosperity isn’t just money? It appears so! Some years ago, I read a book titled The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D., the book was a result of research involving various millionaires. Some key points that stuck with me. You cannot enjoy life if you’re addicted to consumption and the use of credit. You can’t take the credit mentality to the wealthy place! Other people’s money can’t make you rich. The author says, “Those who are credit-dependent are controlled by someone else, some institution. The Bible states that the borrower is a servant to the lender (Prov. 22:7). God wants His children free! Jesus said, “No one can’t serve two masters; for either he will hate one and love the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matt. 6:24). Serving God doesn’t cost. It pays! The author of the Millionaire Mind also stated, “Before you can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like one. The Bible says, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”, Prov. 23:7. God made us for success! The principles in the book parallel with the Bible. He uses very few scriptures, but the context is there. It’s man’s idea of how to get to a wealthy place. God has a plan too. It’s the tithe. Father Abraham tithed to and received communion from God’s Most High Priest (Hey, that’s Jesus Christ) Gen. 14:18,20. Under the New Testament, we are the seed of Abraham, and it’s our inheritance to prosper (Gal. 3:14-29). We still tithe to our High Priest Jesus Christ through the local church where God has placed you. Whatever you put in Jesus’ our High Priest hands, He will multiply (Matt. 6:11)!
I like what Pastor Joseph Prince says, “Tithing is for those that have a revelation, don’t have a revelation, don’t tithe!”
The purpose of wealth is to serve God’s Kingdom!
Getting to the wealthy place is to serve the church, the body of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God! There is nothing else you can do that will count for more. Serving the kingdom of God is of eternal weight. It’s a place of giving, give, and give some more to enhance the kingdom of God. But remember, you can’t out-give God. He was the one that gave His only begotten son (John 3:16) anything you could ask Him for would be less. And that Son Jesus wants to be your constant companion on the journey to the wealthy place. Why? Because He loves you!