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The Bible-God’s Faith Pictures
The bible is God’s picture album for the believer. From the beginning, you can see the imagination part of the man at work. Eve has a conversation with the serpent that gave pictures to her imagination. When images are formed in your mind, regardless of how the insinuation occurs, they are fertilized by thinking. Scriptures don’t say as Eve thought on what the serpent (Satan) said to her it says, “The woman saw that the tree was good for food and desirable to make one wise.” But who told her that? The enemy. Every time I’ve read this encounter, I wondered why didn’t Adam intervene (Gen. 3:6)? But that is not my focal point today; perhaps that is also a picture of what not to do? When faced with lies coming from the enemy! Back to Eve, she saw that it was good. How did she see? Through her imagination! On another occasion, when the Lord wanted to give a picture to the father of many nations, Abram. He worked on his imagination.
The first picture the Lord gave to Abram was your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth (Gen. 13:16). I’ve never tried to number the dust, but it’s everywhere I venture to say it can’t be numbered. The second illustration the Lord gave was beautiful, as well as countless “Look toward heaven and count the stars if you can so shall your descendants be (Gen. 15:5).” The Lord God gave Abram pictures to believe long before He changed his name (Gen. 17:5). As I think about the name change, I reflect on what a name change means to a lady about to marry. It is a romantic thing that a girl imagines taking the last name of her husband. She writes it to give life to it in her mind and says it to herself, if not others. But with Abraham, the reality was it was already there before he saw it; how? By faith. The Lord knew it wasn’t enough to say but to show Abraham an example of his destiny. By day he had the dust, and by night, he had the stars. Father God speaks in pictures, dreams, and visions, which tells me my mind’s eye is essential in my walk with Him. It’s the part of this triune temple I live in where my creativity begins. God gave Joseph dreams (Gen. 37:5 & 9) so much that his brothers began to mock him calling him a dreamer (Gen. 37:19). God gave him a vision of his destiny. With Daniel, God made him an interpreter of dreams (Dan. 2:28). Habakkuk God gave visions (Hab. 2:1-3) as well as Hosea (Hosea 12:10).
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
-Henrik Iben
God spoke to the prophets in the Old Testament by visions and dreams for encouragement, and He is still speaking to us the same way. Jesus functioned in images. He said, “I do what I see my Father do (John 5:19).” He had to be speaking from His mind’s eye since He was in the earthly rim when He made that statement. And the Disciple Peter had a vision. Where he was in a trance, heaven opened, and what appeared to be a sheet descended on him on the earth in it were all kinds of beasts, and a voice came to him saying, “Rise Peter kill and eat.” Peter responded, “Not so, Lord,” for he had never eaten anything unclean. The voice spoke again, “What God has cleansed you must not call common (Acts 10:9-17).” Now I believe God was talking to him about people because of the preceding verses. While Peter thought about the vision, the Spirit said to him; three men are looking for you go with them to a centurion house. The centurion was a gentile who was considered an unclean person by the Jews (Acts10:17-20). God gives visions, dreams, and pictures. Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint, Proverbs 29:18. From the Garden of Eden to the Revelation of Jesus Christ are pictures of God’s heart towards His creation.
Greatest Picture of Love!
The most excellent picture God has given is Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins! As Jesus said, “Greater love has no man than this than to lay down one’s life for his friends (John 15:13).” Embrace the picture of God’s love for you. He sent His only begotten Son for you to have life more abundantly (John 10:10).