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Secrets Women Keep?
My best friend called me to share her grief over one of her friends. The beautician asks her friend how is everything going? In regards to her divorce. Her friend says she didn’t tell the beautician, but she must’ve told her business to this young girl. My friend says she can’t remember, but if she did, it was not done maliciously! I thought as she was talking, who deserves to keep this secret? It’s a burden when a woman is being misused and abused by her husband or significant other. The gory details of abuse and ill-treatment that need! To be shared with our younger women to spare a future generation from the misconception of what love is or isn’t.
This woman, not my friend, was offended by how some details of her life were revealed to a circle of young women I thought they need to know! We need to educate the younger woman to empower them to make better decisions was my thinking! The offended friend goes on to say, “I feel embarrassed; this young child knows my business.” Again my thought was the girl she was referring to is a young lady. So pride is more important than saving a future generation of women from the games and ways of crappy men. I pray, not! Being a mother of two daughters ten years apart, I view this age thing as relative. It has taken several years for my oldest daughter to appreciate her sister. But in womanhood, they support each other.
The Bible Has An Answer For Every Occasion
Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, said in Titus 2:2-5, it is impressed upon the aged woman to teach the younger women. Suppose all women taught their daughters and the more youthful women about their worth. Mistreatment by the opposite sex wouldn’t be the subject of the girl’s night out! But rather a time to encourage one another. Not to say they wouldn’t make mistakes because they would, but if we teach our daughters, not meaning your daughter but the younger women, perhaps she may waste less of her precious time, energy, and talents on a man not worthy of her. Remember, Jesus died for you, John 3:16. Jesus had a conversation with a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Now the Jews had no dealings with Samaritans, but Jesus asked this lady for a drink. Jesus said to this woman, paraphrasing if you knew who I am, you would ask me for a drink. The woman thinking, natural, says Sir, how can you give me a drink? You have nothing to draw the water. Jesus answered her, whoever drinks from this well will thirst again. Whoever drinks the water I give shall never thirst. The woman said, give me this water. Jesus said, call your husband here. The woman said I have no husband. Jesus admonished her that she spoke well. He revealed Himself to this Samaritan adulteress John 4:6-29. This woman had five husbands, Jesus talked to the woman of many husbands, and He is still talking to the woman of many husbands.
Modern Women With An Age-old Problem
One of my favorite movies about women sharing in the thirst of experiencing quality male companionship is the movie waiting to exhale. Mostly because of Angela Bassett, who played the character named Bernadine. A woman married to a man for 11 years who decided he wanted a divorce. During the marriage, she served as secretary with a master’s degree for her husband. All the while wishing to start a catering company but postponed all her desires to support her husband. There was a part while she Bernadine said to her friend Savannah, which was Whitney Houston, “I thought if I gave him what he needed, he would give me what I needed,” too many times, this is the thinking of women. Throughout this movie is a theme of the fear of not having a man. This consciousness entered womanhood in the garden of Eden. Yes, it is a result of sin; see Genesis 3: 16, your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you. All women don’t have a husband, but all women appear to desire a husband, and the desire is leading where Jesus is not known. We base our worth on some man’s opinion unless that man is Jesus Christ. His opinion bears no weight!
Jesus is the Answer!
Jesus is the way the truth and the life, John 14:6. He also says, let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, also believe in me, John 14:1. God never meant for man/ woman to live a life of trouble, nor did He intend for us to live a lie or lies. Jesus said I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly, John 10:10. All God gives is good. Jesus is Lord, and He loves you!
Grace Mills