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 Nurturing an Environment of Fear!

We protect them from the people and things we care about the most, our reputation, career, family, and friends. We blindly believe, think, or feel if we can keep our secrets, our transgressions won’t hold us back, but that’s not true (Proverbs 28:13). While you nurse the secret, it takes on a life of its own in the soil of fear. 

God has not given man a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind

2 Timothy 1:7

How are Secrets Born?

Sometimes it’s a failed standard or expectation; worse, you’ve been taken advantage of by a friend or family member financially or physically. Afterward, you blame yourself, giving way to shame, feeling like you should’ve known better, creating an environment for the secret to fester because you’re looking at the wrong person, yourself! We never solve our problems, dilemmas, or challenges; we make new ones!  

For my thoughts and ways are higher than yours, says the Lord

Isaiah 55:8-9

The Author of Lies and Confusion Hates Man!

We cover our secrets with excuses, justification, lousy behavior, and any other device of ignorance to secure or shelter them. By their design, they illuminate only one (Satan), like in the garden of Eden, a conversation between the devil and the woman as God’s man (Adam) stood by; this was the anatomy of secret born in deception. Satan hates man and everything he stands for because He is made in the image of God. Eve was deceived, Adam was not, and the devil was operating out of hate for man (See Genesis 3).

God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.

Ecclesiastes 12:14

You Don’t Get Away from Your Secrets

One brother wants the first-born birthright, and the first-born cares about his belly; he sells his birthright for a bowl of pottage. Scriptures say, “Esau despised his birthright (Genesis 25:34). Jacob makes a pot of pottage for his father, with his mother’s assistance, deceives his father Isaac, gaining the first-born blessing (See Genesis 27). They enter a pact, along with the mother’s aid, to deceive their father.

Now Jacob Reap the Harvest of Deception!

First, Jacob is deceived by his Uncle Laban. Then secondly, he is deceived by his sons. The first deception happened when he had to leave home because he feared his brother Esau. Had he not defrauded his father and brother, he would not have been available for his uncle to swindle him. (See Genesis 29:15-25). In the second situation with his sons, they told him Joseph, his favorite son, was mauled by a wild animal and brought back Joseph’s amazing coat covered in blood (See Genesis 37).

What can Save Man from his Sins? Dwelling in The Secret Place! 

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, the highest position, is paying attention to His words (Psalm 91:1). Abiding in the shadow of the Almighty is keeping His words in your heart. The protection from loss is kept in the midst of your heart as you reside in the grace of the Highest Jesus Christ. 

By your words, are you justified or condemned

Matthew 12:37

By Words, secrets are Kept!

By words, Jesus said, “You are already clean because of the words which I have spoken to you (John 15:3), and it appears by words we abide in Him (John 15:4). By words, Eve gave sin permission. By words, Jacob and Esau entered deception. Jacob’s sons deceived him, and by words, you receive Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, believing that Father God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. With your heart, you believe unto righteousness and confess your salvation by your words (Romans 10:9-10).


Speak God’s words so that He be glorified in your life!

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