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Pro-Life Verses Pro-Choice
The overturn of Roe V. Wade is a victory for the kingdom of God. Being a Christian, I care about what Father God cares about; He cares about souls; see Ephesians 1:18; they are His inheritance. Man creates laws; overturning the same laws they make sounds contradictory because it is! In 1973 killing kids became legal by Roe V. Wade for good reasons in our minds; rape and incest, which, based on statistics, were less than 1% of abortions.
God Created, God, Knows
The idiom we’ve practiced of throwing the baby out with the bath water is void of God’s best for us. God formed man in the womb and knows him. He gives life, not man or woman; we are merely temples to carry out His command to be fruitful and multiply Genesis 1:28. God created man, and each is fearfully and wonderfully made; see Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139:14. Yes, God made man with free will, and He is merciful.
Your Temporary Body Making Eternal Choices!
Children are our heritage from the Lord, but we in America weren’t the first people God warned about killing their children. When God brought Israel out of Egypt, they sacrificed their children to Molech, the God of the Ammonite; God told them to stop doing that, Leviticus 18:21 AMP. Similarly, abortion has been practiced in America for the god of self-will under the mantra: “My body, my choice.” Yes, it’s your body, but it’s a soul for the kingdom of God and your heritage.
Seek First the Kingdom of God!
Remember Jesus is not a man that He is not touched by our infirmities and weaknesses, Hebrews 4:14-15. Father God tells us not to kill our young because He loves them and us. Without free will, we would be robots, but He made us in His image for relationship and fellowship with Him. Abortion defeats the abundant life God has for the believer. Put God first, and His righteousness, Jesus His Son, and all the things you need will be added to you; see Matthew 6:33.
Stop the Children from Praying!
Before legalizing murdering children, the courts made a law to stop them from praying in 1963. Was it a coincidence? I don’t believe so; see Abington School District v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203. Taking prayer out of the schools changed our children, changing our nation! God said, “Train your child in the way they should go and teach them to trust in Him; see Proverbs 22:6 and Proverbs 3:5.”
Stop Allowing the Temporary to Rob You!
Jesus said in John 10:10, “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but He came for the believer to have life and have it more abundantly.” Jesus came for us to have more of more if that makes sense; more to the point, God always intended for His creation to have more than enough. He designed for parents to conceive children together and nurture them, but sin brought separation from God. But God so loved that, He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life, (John 3:16).
Jesus the Son of God
Finally, think about Jesus! He was born to an unwed virgin; should He have been an abortion? The men of that day thought stoning would solve the indiscretion. What happened with Mary was God-ordained, but according to man, it deserved death. But Joseph listened to the angel of the Lord, Matthew 1:18-24. Let’s be like Joseph, give thought, and allow God to give direction.
God has given us His word to lean
On and trust in Him
He shall direct your steps!