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No Competition in Jesus christ
This morning I heard in my spirit, “There is no competition in Jesus Christ.” Throughout the day, I kept returning the phrase. Then I found myself looking at the scriptures. Because I know and understand Father God isn’t going to speak to me apart from His word. As I thought about the term competition, I thought of what it meant to me. Competition is a scary place for me because it means I must measure myself by another. The job market and the world is a zone of direct and indirect competition, whether you like it or not! When you submit your resume or take a promotional exam, you’re competing. If you’re trying to outshine everyone else to gain attention, you’re competing. Yes, competition takes many forms.
Positioned In Christ Jesus
Scripture says, whatever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord and not unto men, Col. 3:23. To be an entrepreneur or employee should be unto the Lord! According to Merriam Webster, the word competition is the act or process of competing in a rivalry state. Since I never considered myself much of a fighter, the term rivalry makes me nervous. But God says He will fight my battles! (2 Chr. 20:17). The spirit of nervousness is fear; fear isn’t of God! For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind (1 Tim. 1:7). Sure, as a child of God in this world, I must compete naturally, but I don’t have to have a consciousness of competition. Because in Christ I win! Is God providing for me? Yes, He is a man that cannot lie (Numbers 23:19). Then I thought, why am I feeling this now, Lord? Is it because of the transition of this new normal in and after the pandemic? Or is it that I am trying to achieve a position financially concerning me? Do I not think God will provide for me? Again yes, I believe He shall! Is there competition and struggle within myself? Yes, my spirit knows, but my flesh is accustom to doing something!
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
Again the phrase “There is no competition in Jesus Christ” rang in my mind. As I thought a little more on that, the Holy Spirit brought my attention to “I am fearfully and wonderfully made that You formed my inward parts” (Psalm 139:13-14). God knows all about me and still loves me! And there is no fear in love (1 John 4:17-18). No competition in that love. The only qualification is Jesus Christ, and in Christ, I am as He is! Otherwise, what is the point of this activity, Jesus Christ is Lord, and the more He is beheld, the more we shall be like him! And walk on water as Peter walked on water when he beheld Jesus. But even when Peter took his eyes off Jesus, and he began to sink, all he had to say was, “Lord save me!” And Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him (Matthew 14:25-31). All we got to do is say, “Lord Jesus, save me!” And He will stretch out His hand and save you!
God loves you!
Jesus is Lord!