Christianity is about relationship

Let God Be Your Counsel

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Be a person after God’s Heart; seek Jesus First!

Recently my sister let her son and his wife with their child move in for a short time; at least, that’s the plan! The idea is to help them save money, a frequent event these days. Honestly, it has many working parts. However, it seems most of us don’t prepare to help our adult children properly in this type of incident.

Practice the Counsel of the Lord!

We need to practice the same counsel before any situation or decision. When King David went to battle, he sought the Lord, which should be the same for us. No matter how emotionally charged the circumstances were, David sought the Lord (although the method of seeking God in the Old Testament involved a priest and an ephod, casting lots. Under the New Testament, Jesus, our high priest, is the way to Father God). When David and his men went to battle only to return to a place of desolation where all their wives, sons, and daughters were taken captive, please read 1 Samuel 30. It was a hot situation. All of David’s men were ready to stone him, and what did David do? 

Study David’s Stress Solution!

David was distressed, for the men spoke of stoning him because they were grieved. But watch what David does; he strengthened himself in the Lord his God (1 Samuel 30:6). Then David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troops? Shall I overtake them?”          And God answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and recover all (1 Samuel 30:7-8).” Is this why God called David a man after His heart? (Acts 13:22).             

Emotional Decisions without God’s Counsel Leads to Sorrow!

I can’t imagine a more pressing event than what David and his men experienced, but how he handled stress exemplifies how we are to pray no matter the situation. When our adult children need assistance, we should help them. But it shouldn’t be at the cost of our marriage or mental health.

Trust Him that Knows the End from the Beginning!

Before we commit to an adult to that we have already made past sacrifices, Father God needs to be sought! He knows the end from the beginning, Isaiah 46:10. What better counsel is there? When returning to the nest, our children aren’t the same people who left, especially when they return with their spouses and children.

God Knows Where Harmony and Peace Exist! 

No, I’m not implying you shouldn’t allow them to stay with you but allow God to direct your movement; otherwise, you shall live to regret it. You must do as He instructs for all of you. Only God knows all the working parts of every person involved in this cohabitation matter; when people move in, they bring all their stuff. The substance I’m speaking about isn’t just furniture but the attitudes and habits that created this position in the first place. It may be worth the sacrifice to assist them in paying their living expenses as an option to share your living space. 

Learn From Others Mistakes!

My experience with adult children coming home; my daughter and her husband asked to stay with me for three months. It turned into five years and two additional grandchildren. Are you thinking about how? The first thing was to save money, but then the pandemic happened, and we were all locked down together; not all bad, but who would’ve thought? And no, I didn’t seek God’s face! The best part of the experience was creating an everlasting bond with my grandchildren and teaching them about Jesus Christ. 


In all your doing, seek God’s counsel first.

He loves you and your family more than you do!

He knows the end from the beginning!

He fearfully and wonderfully made you,

and in all your seeking, search for and wait on His leading.

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