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Kingdom of Heaven
Have you ever had a conversation with God about the people in your church? I recently had an intense exchange with the Father, which I consider a serious discussion. I observe some activities that cause a little confusion in my observation. Note: I said my understanding! The dialogue went something like the following: Do these people know the difference between right and wrong or black and white?
I continued my rant about how the leadership should be clear about specific issues involving morality and character. I mean, the church is the body of Christ on a spiritual plane, and it is a business from a societal aspect. I was having this conversation with the infinite One. He made everything. Then I said a few more unnecessary things and sat quietly. Then from within me came these words: Judge them by their fruit (Matt. 7:15-20). I said to Him, so the false and real are mixed in together? After reading the scriptures. Then He said, “Remember the tares (Matt. 13:24-30).”
The Field, The Harvest, The Harvester-Jesus!
So, the believing and unbelieving growing together? Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is like a man sowing seed in a field. But while men slept, the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat. The servants of the owner came and asked him, “Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? Then where did these tares come from?” He said, “An enemy has done this!” The next part of this parable spoke the loudest to me. The servant said to him, “Do you want us then to go and gather them up?” Sounds reasonable to me but, listen to what the owner of the field said, “No lest while you gather up the tares, you also uproot the wheat with them. You’ll uproot the weak in faith with the unbelieving. The field owner said, “Let them both grow together until the harvest” (Matt. 13:24-30).
Then the Holy Spirit led me to the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ: the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown and in His hand a sharp sickle (Rev. 4:14). Sickle, a tool used to harvest. The harvesting of the saints is Jesus’ place, not man! Jesus is the harvester, not man, not me, with some self-imposed idea of right and wrong or black and white.
Different Levels of Faith
All that is in the world is in the church! The world is the field. Jesus said, about the wheat and tares let them grow together! But still, I asked why? As I pondered that question, an old friend called. In our conversation came the answer she said, “We are all at different levels of faith.” In a flash, I saw why the master said, “Let them both grown together till harvest lest you uproot the wheat with the tares.” It is Jesus who will gather the wheat.
My place is to pray and intercede for all men, as every believer. We are all at different levels of faith! My role is to pray, not weed out, not take offense, but be led by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Praying for all in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. Praying for my fellow man is acceptable in the sight of God, my savior who desires all men to be saved (1 Tim. 2:1-4).
Pray for one another!