Christianity is about relationship

Keep God in His Position

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Don’t Get Distracted by the Temporary!

When God speaks to me, it’s most often in picture form, and that depiction has a significant impact until I’m arrested to read the scriptures on what He just showed me. This morning God reminded me not to get distracted by the winds of change. During my morning meditation and devotion to the Lord, I saw how God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt.

God Raised Moses

When God sent Moses to bring out the children of Israel, he sent Moses because, He heard their groaning and remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 2:24-25).   They had been in bondage to the Nation of Egypt for over four hundred years, and it wasn’t easy to acquire their freedom from Egypt or their servitude mentality.

God Sent a Cruel Messenger to Egypt-the Plagues 

First, there were the ten plagues prompted by the stubbornness of Pharaoh. But what I find striking about this entire situation, the Egyptians gave the Israelites gold, silver, and clothing upon their leaving (Exodus 12:35-36). It would seem the Egyptian people would have hated the Israelites, and perhaps they did, but God had given the children of Israel favor with the Egyptians.

God Brought Israel Out, Rich!

Imagine for a moment six hundred thousand men, beside women and children, left Egypt with silver and gold. I venture to say the Israelites were wealthy, and they knew God brought them out of Egypt. Whether they became distracted by the journey or by looking away from the One who brought them out, I don’t know! But soon after coming out of Egypt, Israel began to complain first about water, then for food, and God obliged them. There is much to say about the goodness of God!

God Protects While He Delivers!

As I reflected on the story from Exodus 5-19, God performed plagues to show Pharoah who He was, and then, He performed miracles to protect them from the armies of Pharoah. At the Red Sea were two miracles, not just God parting the sea, but God sent an Angel before the camp of Israelites and moved behind them, and the pillar of cloud went before them and stood behind them; this cloud stood between God’s people and Pharoah’s people providing light for them and keeping the army back (Exodus 14:19-20).

The Lord God did it All!

God gives freedom and finance with a purpose. So, a recap, God raised a leader to speak to Pharoah to “let His people go, that they may worship Me,” and then He released plagues upon Egypt. Then when it was time for the children of Israel to leave, the Lord gave them favor with their captors to pay them in silver and gold to go and worship Him. Then Pharoah and his army pursued them, and God protected them and delivered them! Once out of Pharoah’s grip, the children of Israel sang praises to God (Exodus 15:1-21).

God’s All Didn’t Stop Man’s Moaning!

Then they reached the wilderness of Shur, where there was no water, and they began complaining to Moses. God showed him a tree to provide fresh water. Journeying to the wilderness of Sin, where they grumbled for lack of food, God provided them with bread and meat (Exodus 15:22-16:2). Did they forget what the Lord had done for them? Or were they distracted by the journey? The patience of Father God can’t be compared to any man; it seems it would’ve been easier to start from scratch with these people! 

Child of God and Children of Israel Same?

 But reality check, we are just like these people. God sent Jesus to us, and what did we do? Reject Him, and some still reject the perfect gift God has given them. Jesus came for us to have life more abundantly, and God raised Moses to bring out the children of Israel from bondage to freedom (John 10:10). Jesus came to bring the believer out of the bondage of sin and into a journey where we command not complain! Don’t allow the distractions of the temporary to rob you of worship and fellowship with Jesus, and keep beholding Jesus and the finished works at the cross! 


Keep your eyes on Jesus; Father God sent Him for you!

Why? Because He loves you (John 3:16).

He wants to have a relationship with you

He wants to walk with you through life!

Let Him be the grace in your journey.

Invite Jesus into your heart!

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