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Jesus Prays for You
While praying for my friend yesterday, a most amazing thing happened. It was an inward vision along with a download of so much love. When I pray, Jesus prays as I pray! Overwhelmed by this revelation, I ask God for scripture acknowledgment. My position with God was complete in Christ when I received Jesus as the Lord of my life. But I grappled with what that looks like in a practical sense—praying in the spirit, or glossolalia, as Dr. Andrew Newberg of the neuroscience community calls it. The act of praying in tongues quiets the speech center of the brain. But when praying in the spirit, often pictures and visions come to mind, yet my brain is quiet according to science.
Child of God, When You Pray, Jesus Prays
As I thought about Jesus praying for me. I paused for Father God to give me a more excellent picture of this revelation. The first scripture was, for He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21) the price of my righteousness is the blood of Jesus. There is no surer position with the Lord God than the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. That scripture led me to the righteous man’s prayer avails much (James 5:16). The first verse bestows the gift of righteousness by faith in Him, who knew no sin but became sin for me. All Jesus did was for me, and as He is, so I am in this world (1 John4:17)! He is my righteousness, and He is at the right hand of God (Ephesians 1:20). Imagine that for a second, when you pray, you are praying at the right hand of God!
Positioned For God to Hear My Prayers
Yes, that’s right, we are in a position for our heavenly Father to hear our words; with Jesus Christ as your righteousness, you’re in a permanent place where God hears you, Ephesians 2:6.
The Holy Spirit Calls to Remembrance Scripture
The Holy Spirit then led me to John 17. In John 17, Jesus prays to His Father in heaven for those Father God has given Him. Jesus said for all are Yours, and all are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them (John 17:9-10). There is no expiration on Jesus’ words. The all Jesus is speaking of includes every believer then and now.
All Your Cares Are His Cares
My heavenly Father gives ear to my prayers. I am relieved of anxiety or frustration of not being heard. The creator of heaven and earth is taking care of my cares. Think about that for a moment; He is taking care of everything! All my cares and concerns have been cast upon Him.
Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7
As I was taken away by what God had given me, a state of peace permeated my being; when I pray, Father, God hears me, period! Not maybe, but absolutely, I am heard on high!
Jesus intercedes! Prayer is rest in Him!