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Jesus God’s Mercy
Last week I said look to Jesus; he is our righteousness before Father God. Let’s expand on the consciousness of all Jesus is for us at the Father’s right hand (See Ephesians 1:20-22). At the Father’s right hand, we are in a high place above the principalities of this world. In Jesus Christ, everything of this world designed to destroy and reduce our value is under our feet, beloved! In God, we live, move, and have our being.
For In Him
We live, move, and have our being (See Acts 18:27). In the beginning, God breathed into man the breath of life and that presence He gave us is still in us. The spirit of man hungers after the attributes of the breath he received from God in the beginning. But man used his free will to meet that need with the temporary, not the eternal.
God Honors His Creation
In the Garden of Eden, God gave man choices and honored man’s decisions. However, choices have consequences, and God could not shelter man from sin results but provided a system of sacrifices for atonement for their choice to sin (See Genesis 2:7 and 3:1-10,21).
God’s Love for Man sets the Stage for Atonement
The first atonement, payment of disobedience, God performed for man in the Garden of Eden after man exercised his volition. Without choices, there would be no such thing as free will! We would be robots!
Introduction of the Law, God’s Mercy-His Altar
When the Children of Israel received the ten commandments from Moses from Mt. Sinai, the Lord God said to Moses, tell the children of Israel, “An altar of earth you shall make for Me, and you shall sacrifice on it burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and oxen. In every place where I record My name, I will come to you and bless you (See Exodus 20).
Stop believing the lie that He doesn’t!
The Lord God desires to bless you!
Without the shedding of Blood, there is No Remission
God so loved the world that He gave; the creator of heaven and earth sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life, not to condemn the world, beloved but that the world through Him might be saved, but He who doesn’t believe in Him is condemned already (See John 3:16-18).
Jesus said, “It is Finished”
The finished works of Jesus Christ at the cross were the ultimate sacrifice for us, beloved! He died, and God raised him for our sin. He paid the cost for our sin and sin consciousness; that will never change; we are washed in His sinless Blood (See Revelation 1:5). Jesus’s death at the cross happened outside of time, meaning his death is for the present-day person who believes in Him (Revelation 1:8). Receive what Jesus has finished (See John 19).
Jesus our Righteousness
Jesus our Redeemer
Jesus our Savior
Jesus is ever interceding for us at the Father’s Right Hand
Hallelujah to our Lord
Jesus Christ!