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Holy Spirit, Moment!
Olympia, Greece
He will guide you into all truth!
John 16:13
Olympia, Greece
While visiting the museum in Olympia, Greece, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about ancient Greece and its gods. I thought of Apostle Paul and what he said in the Book of Acts 17:22-34 that the Grecians are superstitious and that they needed to seek the Lord that made the world. That all men everywhere need to repent. But the Grecians believed their gods would take care of them.
Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things!
Psalm 119:37
In Greece, I realized there was another caveat that never occurred to me: the gods were a business: People made and sold them while others sacrificed them to other gods. This god thing had a commerce function, like our modern-day gods/ goods, the expensive items we purchase to impress people who don’t care. In contrast, the purchase turns into a sacrifice of months or even years to pay off, building the god of good credit to keep the victimization cycle going.
Moments In Reflection
I thought to myself, do I have gods I’m serving other than the Highest, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Honestly, you can’t have a moment of such revelation in a place like Greece and not look in the mirror. Greece’s ruins are the legacy of that place. What is the inheritance I’m going to leave behind? I am talking about the way I live and the things I place in a position of importance. Because at some point, the people of ancient Greece were living. They lived with no consciousness of their mortality.
Souvenir, Art, or Memorabilia?
As I pondered these things I saw in Greece, the souvenirs, the evil eye and the obscene cigarette lighters, and other paraphilia displaying three men in an orgy. Whether these things were mere souvenirs or a gad gift, they weren’t harmless. They symbolize why the Lord sent the Apostle Paul to Greece.
The tour guide said, “Get the evil eye; it will protect you from evil,” a blue circular glass object can’t protect you; only the Lord Jesus can! I stopped going into the souvenir shops, realizing I didn’t need to take home anything that reminded me of this place.
The Holy Spirit Recalls God’s Word!
I remembered how the scriptures give birth to imagination. When the woman saw, remember she saw, and she heard Gen 3:2-6. Meaning she listened to the serpent that prompted her to imagine. This is an excellent example of how the imagination is directly connected to the eye and ear gates.
God said,
“Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.”
Genesis 1:26
We hear and see, then we internalize, where the imagination process begins. In our hearts, we process, we consume, and we make the thoughts ours; thus, Jesus said, let not your heart be troubled, followed by making a declaration that if you believe in God, believe also in Me! Yet Jesus also said, about adultery and fornication, whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart (See Matthew 5:28). In these instances, the heart seems to be the central portion of man’s motives fed by what he sees and hear.
Leave an Inheritance/ Legacy Where Jesus is Lord!
What does all this have to do with visiting Greece? What you see and hear begins the imagination process based on what Jesus says in Matthew 5:28. Consequently, when you hear and digest God’s word, the truth takes form, giving birth to actions that please God. The saturation of God’s word protects the imaginative faculty so you can effortlessly live for Him no matter where you are. He will speak to you!
Give your imagination to God that He may birth within
you a desire to seek Him first.
In Jesus’ name