Christianity is about relationship

Greece, Crete

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A New Look at the Book of Titus

The Island of Crete fascinated me because of the Book of Titus and because the leading tour guide was from this island. I refreshed my memory by reading through the Book of Titus, a quick read of only three chapters. On this island, the Apostle Paul left Titus, his son, in the faith to set in order things that were lacking and to ordain and appoint elders in every city to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Paul Preaches Need for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

In the beginning chapter, the Apostle Paul addresses the insubordinate idle talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision. The circumcision Paul spoke of must’ve been the law because he stated, “Whose mouths must be stopped they subvert whole households teaching things they shouldn’t, for the sake of dishonest gain (Titus 1:11).”

God’s Word is Still for This Time!

I laughed as I read that one of their prophets said, “Cretans are always liars,” why? The leading guide of the tour was from the island of Crete; she took great pride in telling us about the island since she grew up there. A few minutes later, she told me and another lady she left a souvenir in our rooms on the first night there, which I never received. When I told her I had never received it, she exclaimed, “I know it was there because I put it there myself”! I and another lady of the group received the same non-existent gift. But never mind, in the Book of Titus, they are called liars, I thought, and the word of God is still current!  

God’s Word is Timeless!

Take the time to read the book of Titus. It’s current not just for Greece, but the world! The internet has made every culture and society accessible at the click of a button. Not every website is to be believed, just as the Apostle Paul spoke of stopping deceivers who undermine whole families for personal profit. To preach the law doesn’t seem like a personal gain, but it is! You might be wondering how so.

For we are not under the law, but under grace!

In Jesus!

Romans 6:14

As good as it may sound to keep the commandments, Jesus said, “Do you think I came to destroy the law or the prophet? I did not come to destroy but fulfill (Matthew 5:17).” The fulfillment of the law in the Old Testament required animal sacrifices for God to not look at their sins, and the prophets interchangeably used as servants these men Isaiah and Jeremiah to name a few spoke God’s word to His people. With the coming of Jesus, we are to hear Him God said, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him, (Luke 9:35)

Jesus, Our Grace, and Righteousness!

The law doesn’t get the believer to righteousness. Only Jesus can (2 Corinthians 5:21). He is the grace of God! Any person who preaches otherwise is taking a position against Father God, however well-meaning they want to believe they are! There is only one way to God, and Jesus is His name.

Receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Invite Him into your heart today!

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