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Give God Your First thoughts!
What are your first thoughts when you wake up? Let it be God! Not the secular but the eternal! Habitually I read a Devo and follow that with some scriptures. But this morning, I skipped my Devo and checked my email. Wrong move! Ain’t no peace checking emails first thing in the morning! Before I realized what was happening, my emotions had taken me to a place of duress.
Fabric Of America
There I was reminded how racism is a part of the American fabric. As I read through the short article about the first Afro-Latino valedictorian of Harvard Law School, Pedro Albizu Campos graduated in 1921. But he was denied the valedictorian distinction by a professor who delayed his final grade to keep him from having the highest grade point average in the 1921 class. To avoid the embarrassment of having a black Puerto Rican be the valedictorian of the most prestigious law school in the country.
This story caused my mind to focus on the variety God made, and although man can’t or won’t appreciate the beauty of humanity. God didn’t make various complexions for a caste system. God created everything in the heavens and earth; all things were made through Him and for Him (Col.1:16). And everything God made was good (Gen. 1:31).
The nasty practice of racism isn’t an American thing. It’s an act of man’s free will. God didn’t create man to hate. I question why Harvard Law School admitted Pedro Albizu Campos seeing he was a person of color? And I venture to say they assumed he wouldn’t graduate. One could surmise whatever the reason was; racism isn’t an issue of intellect but a sin problem.
The Ugly Nasty Business of Slave Trading
The first to practice the slave trade is recorded as the Portuguese in the 16th century from West Africa. What’s interesting about that is how did the world come to know West Africa was selling people? There was no social media, LOL And how did they decide who would be sold? According to Don C. Ohadike, in his book Anioma. He talks about slave raiding and the social and pollical structure of the slave trade, and how profitable it was for the Igbo people.
Man is a Slave without Jesus Christ!
The ugly business of slave trading was perpetuated by greed and capitalism. In its infancy, Africans were selling their own. And America participated, but we didn’t invent it! Sin did! When man fell, he took all of creation with him. That is what gave birth to the system of slavery and every other destructive force. Man became his enemy without the Lord.
Here’s a thought: According to science, the earth is 4+ billion years old, and God created it, and He is madly in love with you.
His Counsel is Everlasting!
The Lord God created the heavens and gave you the very breath that you breathe. He gave the man a free choice and allowed him to use it as he wills. I often think that was a bold move, but that’s love! He knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7), He is God, and there is none like Him, declaring the end from the beginning, and His counsel shall stand (Isa. 46:9-10).
Start Your Day in His Counsel!
The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations (Psalm 33:11). We see now; God sees forever! Just imagine you have a friend that created the earth 4 billion years ago, He knows everything, and You can talk to Him about any and everything. He’s never surprised by what you say He’s omnipresent, and guess what He will guide you into all truth (John 16:13).
Jesus loves you and wants to hear from you daily!