Christianity is about relationship

Bullet-Proof Faith in Jesus Christ II

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Last week I shared with you about the armor of God and how by faith, we receive all that God has for us (Ephesians 6:14). The armor of God is to, ready us for life’s daily challenges, but at its core, it is us taking our place in Christ Jesus. He is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 8:4).

God Wants You to Reign

The gift of righteousness is for us to reign in life through the One Jesus Christ (Roman 5:17); we must remember Christ died for the ungodly. Still, the Godly are transformed by the renewing of the mind that through the hearing and hearing of God’s word, you may prove what that good and acceptable perfect will of God is (See Romans 10:17 and Romans 12:2). To see God’s will for your life, look to Jesus!

Gift of Righteousness

By faith, we receive the gift of righteousness to reign in life. That righteousness and grace are Jesus Christ. By one man’s offense, many died, but much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ. See, one man’s offense (Adam) caused death to reign, and through one Man (Jesus) righteous act, the free gift came to all men, resulting in the justification of life (Romans 5:13-18).

Justified by Faith

By faith, we are justified and have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, Romans 5:1, just as if we never sinned! Please don’t confuse this with the idea; that I can now sin without consequences. God loves you, and it’s only one reason He doesn’t want us sinning, and it’s the same reason He sent Jesus Christ, love! Sin has consequences, just like trying to keep the law, and God delivered us from them both. 

The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

Romans 8:2

God is Pleased with Them That Believe in Him

By faith, we are not under the law but grace. You would remove nothing away from the scripture to say it this way, for Satan shall not have dominion over me for I am not under the law, but under grace, Romans 6:14. The strength of sin is the law, 1 Corinthians 15:56. The law was never given to Israel to keep, but to bring an end to themselves, see Exodus 20. Think about this for a moment, if God meant for Israel to keep the law, why did He tell them to build an altar of earth? And sacrifice unto me where I record my name, I will come unto thee, and I will bless you.   

By Faith, God accounted Abraham righteous (Romans 4:1-3); throughout the scriptures, you can see God’s heart toward man, and more to the point, look to Jesus to see God! 

God loves you, and His heart is for you to walk in everything Jesus came to give you, life abundantly.

John 10:10

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