Christianity is about relationship

Be led by the peace of God

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I recently heard from a fellow believer, “The Devil likes it when you’re in a hurry,” and as I thought, why? Within me, the answer came, “a sense of urgency can’t coexist with the spirit of peace.” Then I remembered David, a man, described after God’s heart (1 Sam. 13:14). David sought the Lord when the Amalekites attacked Ziklag—taking his wives and children and the wives and children of his men. At this moment of chaos, David didn’t respond to the pressure. Scripture says David strengthened himself in the Lord his God. He inquired of the Lord, asking, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” He answered him, “Pursue you shall surely overtake them and without fail to recover all” (1 Sam.30:1-8). All too often, responding to a situation of David’s type would be automatic. We don’t pray. We retaliate! That act takes the Lord out of the problem, trusting our ability, our flesh. David trusted the Lord as we should trust the Lord. 

Wait On The Lord

Every decision I’ve ever made with a sense of urgency, I always became acquainted with grief afterward. Under the new covenant, we have the Holy Spirit, and He is our guide (John 16:13). Recently I received an inward witness to leave a job, but I had no other position lined up. At first, I thought, Lord is this you, or am I having a moment of displeasure? All-day, I kept inquiring of the Lord. As I prayed in the spirit, the sensing to give two weeks’ notice didn’t leave. The next morning when I woke, ” I told the Lord, Okay!” 

See, although the decision to leave the present job wasn’t a money decision, it was a peace of mind purpose. I felt like I need to get out of the house every day and be with people. Sure, I was serving in the church, but that was only once or twice a week. Hardly enough to satisfy my need for socializing. However, I know Father God loves me affectionately (Luke 12:7). When I said, “okay, Lord.” I experienced a sense of peace and joy that everything is going to be alright! While serving at the church the following day. I received an offer far better than the previous position. Father God was setting me up for something more suitable for me, which I almost missed! How could I doubt the one that loves me so intensely that He knows the very number of hairs on my head? God loves me! ?(Luke 12:7). I’m accustomed to only leaving a job if I have another (relying on my ability). I left one position for another by God’s orchestration. Obedience to God’s leading isn’t a loss but a reward! Scripture says, “God will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). To borrow a phrase from a great man of God! 

                     *God is real and can be trusted-George Muller*

God is never in a rush, so why should we? Since as Jesus is, we are in this world are correct (1 John 4:17). Why would I want or need to hurry? I am on God’s timing! Hurry is acting out of the flesh. The work of the flesh is opposed to the fruits of the spirit. Hurry means to carry or cause to go with haste or to perform with undue haste. That sounds like selfish ambitions, evidence of the working of the flesh (Gal. 5:19). None of which we need when we rely on Jesus! The book of Gal. 5:16-25 speaks about the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Self-control almost seems like an act of one’s will. Without reading verse 24, those in Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. It’s not by one’s choice that you have self-control but in Christ Jesus alone. When you see more of Jesus, the less you need to know of you! Why? Because Jesus Christ died once for, the just and the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the spirit (1 Peter 3:18). 

When Faced With a Situation of Urgency 

Let’s do as David did strengthen ourselves in the Lord by praying to our High Priest Jesus Christ. Who is the author and finisher of our faith, Heb. 12:2. No urgency in God’s timing, only peace, and joy. Trust God! Jesus loves you! 

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